2011年3月18日 星期五

Depression, panic attacks and anxiety disorders

Oh, what I know my three former friends: depression, panic attacks and anxiety. I use the word "friends" in the harshest terms. acquaintances would be much closer to the mark. They ruled my life, with the help of alcohol for many years until they finally were kicked out of the head where they had made their home, for good.

In my early 1960s I was lucky enough to find an excellent psychiatrist when I was in hospital after a suicide attempt. I doubt, however, this was completely wrong for the disease itself. Previously, I to a psychiatric ward, and fed a veritable cocktail of drugs in the doctors ' attempts to cure me. When I returned home, everything was good for a couple of weeks, but then I started to feel a detachment and slowly became divorced from reality.

Eventually, I took a huge overdose, but found most happily by my wife, rushed to the hospital, my stomach was pumped and I slowly made a full recovery. It was discovered that it was in fact the pills that caused my mental imbalance on the stage of suicide, but I want to impress anyone who reads this that suicide is the most disgraceful act to perform on itself. Not only was I selfish extremely. I know that my poor wife went through an awful lot, putting all the puzzle pieces back together again.

Yes, this accumulation of pills, I was on may have been complicit, disk, and Yes, they twist probably me, but there is still no excuse. Suicide must never be considered as a last resort. A report has come out, "says that sixty percent of people who committed suicide was suffering from depression and that 3.6% of all people in this country try suicide at some point in their lives. I sincerely hope that those who survive to learn his lesson.

One thing I read was that depression is the leading cause of alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions. I cannot now speak against drug abuse, because I was never "stuck", but as regards alcoholism was it worked the other way around. We're talking now about a large number of years, but first came anxiety, since alcoholism and depression. I have mentioned earlier, I think, that it was not until I came here that I was treated correctly for diseases.

When I was in the hospital for my last time, I underwent Electroconvulsive therapy or E.C.T. it was purely experimental as I was really interested, as anyone who is interested. The results are different from one person to the next. I knew a woman who absolutely swore by it. The treatment worked so well that she was another person and that the best I know have never had a different section of anxiety or depression then.

It worked with me to the point, but I really enjoy the results that this lady did. I think it is worth trying. It can't hurt you and it gets quite probably do you good. The worst part about it is when they put a shunt into the back of the hand. The needle is the size of a spear. Well, not really, but it is what it seems! This is actually quite unpleasant, but as far as the actual procedure, you know not you a thing. Just a little groggy when they are finished.

So it was my progress. Anxiety, alcoholism, depression and panic attacks. This is one of the things that make reading difficult. We are all different and experience these terrible diseases in different orders, in varying degrees, and also the symptoms changed from one person to another.

Finally, I would like to apologise for this article is about "me". But by making it personal, I hope very much that there may be people out there, as I did, which will be able to relate to me. I climb a ladder of years now, but I am healed.

I therefore hope that you will be too

Mike Bond, write an article about a subject he knows so well. One of the problems with these wretched conditions is loneliness. You think you are the only person in the world who feel the way you do. If you can relate to another individual who is or has been in the same State where you are, then you know at least someone out there who understands you. Emphasize this by is a visit to the Bond Web site well worth your time. Where you will find a program that can help you overcome your panic attacks and anxiety without the use of drugs


