2011年5月15日 星期日

Postpartum Depression - Symptoms and Causes

Having a baby can be a very scary time for some people. Both the man and the woman begin to think about the things that they need to protect their child from and the things that their babies need in order for them to stay healthy and happy.


These fears and overwhelming feelings are more often seen in the woman then the man. The woman is the one carrying the child and therefore the one who is worrying about the health of the baby with everything that she does. Plus a lot of women are worrying about how they will be able to cope with taking care of a baby and how they can bounce back to the life they used to have without too many changes.


According to statistics 10% of new moms will have mild to severe emotional problems commonly referred to as postpartum depression. It more often happens after the child is born. During this time their hormones are everywhere and can increase their emotions. They are also trying to take in all of the changes in their life. There are rare cases of postpartum psychosis - which is a more severe form of this type of depression.


New moms should not feel ashamed if they have postpartum depression. It is just a time of adjustment for them. To work through it they only need to learn to deal with the symptoms of it and love and take care of their new child.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms


Symptoms of postpartum depression can be very intense for some women and they can last for a few weeks to a few months. For some women these symptoms will interfere with their ability to take care of their child as well as everyday tasks.



-Intense anger

-Loss of appetite

-No joy in life

-No desire to have sex

-Heavy fatigue

-Shame and guilt

-Severe mood swings

-Hard time connecting with the child

-Becomes reclusive and cuts oneself from friends and family

-Thoughts of harming oneself or the baby

Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms


Postpartum psychosis is a rare form of this condition that can start to develop during the first couple weeks after the baby is born. The symptoms are doubled and can be dangerous around the baby.





-Tries to harm oneself or the baby


Postpartum Depression Causes


Researchers are not able to find one cause for this type of depression. There are different emotional, lifestyle, and physically changes that are attributed to it.

Emotional Changes - When women are overwhelmed and deprived of hours of sleep they will become more irritable and will have trouble dealing with even the smallest problems. This will make them that much more worried about their ability to take care of their child. At the same time they are trying to deal with the fact that they feel they have lost sight of who they are.


Lifestyle Changes - Some women are not prepared to care for a new baby and do not expect the time and energy that they need every day. They will find that their lives and the things they once did will not be possible. They may also have to deal with financial problems or not having the support they need from their partner or family members and friends.


Physical Changes - When the woman has given birth to the child the level of progesterone and estrogen will dramatically drop leading to postpartum depression. Also the hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland may also drop. This will cause you to feel tired and depressed. Because of this your immune system, metabolism, and blood pressure will change.

Many new mothers have to deal with the symptoms associated with Postpartum Depression.

Beat Depression and learn to move on with your life.

