2011年4月6日 星期三

Effective treatment for Panic Attack

A panic attack is a condition that causes an overwhelming fear and often complete paralysis as a reaction to certain events and situations. Causes of panic attacks can be extensive and varied, ranging from childhood trauma phobias are the cause of a panic attack.

Panic attack symptoms usually increased heart rate, sweating, shortness of breath, trembling or shaking, nausea and a fear of dying or losing control. The duration of an attack can range from one minute to half an hour. A panic disorder-which is a condition of constant panic attacks for a long time can last from anything from one week to even several years.

A panic attack or panic anxiety can seriously affect their quality of life. A victim will more often than not, try and seek refuge in a place which he considers to be sure. This is usually the victim between the days and years at a stretch, considering that the home is considered by him in the securest of all places.

Treatment for anxiety attacks or panic disorder involves extended therapy as psychological advice, and if the case requires, including medicines. Antidepressant prescribed also usually because a panic disorder is accompanied often by an attack of depression. Treatment is determined by the extent and severity of the disease and, in many cases it can be treated by home made remedies himself.

The biggest problem facing a panic attacks/panic disorder sufferers is that the disease often goes undetected years on end. This, together with the society's pressure to induce the patient to just "shaking things up" and pretend that everything is fine. While this can be said to any mental illness, it is especially true and alarming for panic disorder because it can really make regular life difficult, if not impossible.

The best solution is therefore to confirm your requirements and assess its scope and seriousness. Is it a true debilitating condition or just a mild bout of panic that occur infrequently. Your course of treatment for panic attacks will be identified accordingly. You may need professional help, or you may be able to go a few selected home made remedies and meditation-it depends on your condition and your needs.

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