2011年6月7日 星期二

Postpartum Depression Signs

When a woman gets pregnant she starts to face physical changes and emotional adjustments to be ready for the coming of her baby. Some women especially during their first pregnancy don't have the ability to make these adjustment processes but rather they feel insecure and their self doubt grows to a higher and intolerable level. They become easily irritated, aggressive and on some cases they also show extreme sadness and insecurity of the changes and of the experience that she goes through. These postpartum depression signs should be observed after delivery or on the first two weeks of the baby because this is the period when mother dominantly have feelings of depression due to child birth.

Postpartum depression signs vary depending on its level and on the depression tolerance of the mother. Some other postpartum depression signs such as uncontrollable crying, decreased concentration, loss of appetite, and troubled sleeping could show up on severe cases of post partum depression. A woman experiencing this situation should be dealt with great attention and love because they need to feel their importance and value to the family set aside all of her insecurities and doubts. She should be loved and cared about so that she could extends these feelings to her baby and develop real mother and child bonding.

Postpartum depression is an illness that requires immediate attention because it could lead to postpartum psychosis which is an extreme case of depression. Mothers with this problem will experience postpartum depression signs like confusion, disorientation, hallucinations and delusions and paranoia. They lose their ability to think wisely and to handle situations that sometimes they feel a strong urge to harm themselves and their baby. Once postpartum depression shifts to postpartum psychosis, there's now the need to seek assistance from medical experts or psychologist doctors for they could give the right therapy and prescribe the right medicines to cure this special type of mood disorder.

At the very first stage of pregnancy, it is important that the mother gets proper orientation of what will happen and what are the responsibilities that she is going to get so that she will avoid the occurrence of postpartum depressions signs and get postpartum psychosis. She should understand her role for the baby and her importance to maintain her self esteem, confidence and self belief. The adjustment during pregnancy should not only be borne by the mother herself, the father, the family and the people around her should also take part by giving her the love that she deserves. It is the best preparation that could be done to assure the mother's understanding and acceptance of her first born to live a happy and satisfying family life once it arrives.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about postpartum depression [http://clinicaldepressionsigns.info/postpartum-depression-signs], please visit Clinical Depression Signs [http://clinicaldepressionsigns.info] for current articles and discussions.

