2011年5月22日 星期日

Postpartum Depression - Gaining a Understanding of This Type of Depression

Postpartum depression generally occurs after the birth of a child. A woman's hormones go through some drastic level changes after childbirth. In just a matter of a few hours a woman's hormone levels go from a pregnancy level to a much lower normal non-pregnant level. Postpartum depression has been linked to this swift and harsh hormonal change.

Postpartum depression is believed to affect fifteen to twenty percent of women that recently gave birth. Even though this type of depression is dangerous it is a treatable condition. By receiving quickly enough the proper medical treatment, depression symptoms can be controlled and possibly eliminated altogether.

Symptoms of postpartum depression embrace a broad range of feelings and emotions. Sudden unexpected mood swings are one of the symptoms of this type of depression. For example, a woman could be happy and content one minute and then uncontrollably mad the next for no apparent reason. Other depression symptoms can include feeling sad, lonely, impatient, anxious, irritable, restless and eager.

Symptoms of postpartum depression can affect a woman for a few days to a few months or to a year or longer. How long a woman suffers with this depression depends on how quickly she gets the medical attention she needs to treat it. When the first symptoms of depression are noticed she needs to get to a qualified medical professional as soon as possible. This professional could be her family doctor who could then recommend a psychiatrist or a qualified therapist depending on how severe the depression is.

Once she consults a medical professional, a postpartum depression treatment plan can then begin. Anti-depressants are the most common treatment for depression. Anti-depressant medications all work relieve depression but they often come with side effects. These side effects could range from being annoying to deadly in some cases. If after taking an anti-depressant the woman starts to feel these side effects she should consult her doctor immediately. The doctor can order a different anti-depressant that will not have the undesirable side effects.

Therapy is extremely helpful and is an often recommended postpartum depression treatment. In therapy the woman can understand what is causing her depression symptoms and how she can control them. The therapist will give her the tools and procedures to handle her depression when she feels them coming on. Often times a woman's depression symptoms can be relieved just by having a sympathetic ear to talk to.

Postpartum depression treatment can include a combination of therapy and anti-depressant medications. Therapy depression treatment works on giving long term depression relief while the anti-depressant depression therapy works to relieve the depression quickly so she can resume a normal life.

Are you one of the many people suffering from postpartum depression? If you are and want immediate relief, go right now to TreatmentOfDepression.info for the life changing information that is waiting for you there.

