2011年5月26日 星期四

Postpartum Depression Overview

Many women may experience a form of depression identified as postpartum depression after giving birth to a child. While this is a common type of depression, it is also considered to be a serious type among medical professionals. Many individuals do not realize it, but postpartum depression may occur in other instances apart from a live birth.

There are noted cases of those giving birth to stillborn infants and those that have had a miscarriage suffering from postpartum depression. Women that experience this type of depression suffer from many uncomfortable symptoms. In this medical guide, you will be introduced to several facts pertaining to postpartum depression.


While each female that has experienced a live birth, a stillbirth, or a miscarriage has the potential of developing postpartum depression, there are several factors that may increase the risk of this situation occurring. Each female that experiences a fluctuation in their hormones after being pregnant typically experiences a mild form of depression.

This is usually identified as the "Baby Blues". In most cases, this mild form of depression resolves itself within a few weeks. Those that experience postpartum depression, however, will experience symptoms for an extended amount of time. The following factors may increase a female's risk for developing this condition:

? Many females that have not had a good support system in place while they were pregnant and immediately following a miscarriage, a live birth, or a stillbirth may stand a higher chance of suffering from this severe form of depression.

? Stress seems to be a major culprit when it comes to the development of postpartum depression. Situations such as having a child with medical issues or a disability, financial issues, and even complications within a relationship may trigger depression.

? Women who have suffered from issues associated with their menstrual cycle prior to the pregnancy such as a condition identified as "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" may suffer from postpartum depression.

? A history of depression and conditions such as bipolar disorder may put a female at a higher risk for developing this severe type of depression.


There are many symptoms that a female may experience when suffering from postpartum depression. These symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

? The female is likely to feel depressed on a consistent level. This feeling may include feelings of hopelessness and despair. Most individuals feel as if they are completely empty to a degree and have nothing to look forward to.

? Many females may experience mild to severe anxiety. This anxiety may include panic attacks.

? Many women will start to lose interest in the activities and hobbies that they once found pleasurable. As a matter of fact, most women will express the fact that they feel absolutely no pleasure in any activities whatsoever.

? It may become difficult for the sufferer to make decisions. If they are able to make decisions, they often question whether or not the decisions are the right ones.

? Many women that suffer from postpartum depression will fail to care for themselves appropriately. They may not shower, groom themselves, or even change clothes for several days at a time.

? Many women that experience postpartum depression may consider hurting themselves and others.

If you, or someone that you know, is suffering from depression after experiencing a miscarriage, stillbirth, or a live birth, medical attention should be sought immediately.

INTRODUCING: How To Get Natural Depression, Anxiety and Stress Relief! No Drugs - No Potions - No Hypnotherapy! Wholly Natural Method and 100% GUARANTEED. Visit: http://www.HowToStopDepression.org

