2011年3月29日 星期二

Panic Attack medication

Apart from the fact that panic attacks can sometimes be an unbearable experience, can people suffering from panic attacks also experience a certain level of stress and discomfort. Panic attacks are commonly seen in people who is also suffering from panic disorder. A good thing, however is that these attacks now can be treated through proper medication and treatment. Therapy aims to help the stricken panic attacks person to think positively and adjust certain behavioural patterns. When the two treatments are combined, there is a possibility of reducing panic attacks. The purpose of medication, is on the other hand, to assist in the rehabilitation process.

There are different types of medications can be prescribed to treat panic attacks and minimize its symptoms. The right medication may also be used to lower the number and severity of attacks so that anxiety of having another attack in the future can at least be minimized. A number of effective drugs, such as Prozac, Zoloft or Paxil, which are selective serotonin inhibitors serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), are capable of effectively treating panic attacks. These medicines are prescribed precisely in order to effectively combat depression. These antidepressants aims to influence neurotransmitters, chemical in the brain used to transmit messages to each other. A nervous release neurotransmitters, while other nerves take them up. In fact, will the same nerves that released them re-uptake of neurotransmitters which are not absorbed by the other nerves.

Inhibitors of serotonin selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) curb with serotonin reuptake inhibitor of serotonin and this gives other nerves to take up available serotonin. There was a time, but when SSRIS are not yet available and, therefore, a group of medicines called the tricyclic anti-depressant (TCA), Norpramin, Tofranil and precautionary measures, were used to treat panic disorders. Although both SSRIs and TCAs have equal effects in the treatment of panic disorders, it was proven that SSRIs are safer and better tolerated by individuals. As a result, Tricyclic antidepressants were not used often in treating panic disorders, but it can be an effective medication when used with careful monitoring. Like most medications, TCAs also have side-effects of their own that can be mild to life threatening. Therefore, it is recommended always to always consult a doctor if the medication is the most effective treatment. A strong warning must be issued for pregnant women suffering from panic attacks that do not use any of these medicines because the life of the fetus might be at risk.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved several drugs designed to treat panic disorders, Xanax, Valium, Ativan or Klonopin. These medicines family benzodiazepines. The main effect of these medicines is that they reduce anxiety and nervous tension. Unlike the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin inhibitors which need be taken daily, the tricyclic medication cause immediate relief themselves to symptoms.

As a result of the right medication, the symptoms have improved in several weeks from the first medicine. Should there be any improvement in the range of six to eight weeks, the doctor may prescribe a higher dose or a different medicine. In the treatment of panic attacks, medication usually takes more than a year, and perhaps should be reduced gradually over several weeks. However, it is a common experience that after medication attacks can still occur, particularly in medicine has been reduced. When this occurs, there is no other choice than to go on medication for several months. Depending on the person, perhaps medication continue to combat the symptoms.

John Abbott is an expert, panic attacks, and has written many articles and books to help others. Click panic attack medicationmore, or http://www.mylifepanic.com visits in order to subscribe to a free mini-course 10 today.

