2011年3月21日 星期一

So, you know how to stop panic attacks?

When you perform a search for panic attacks and panic disorder in American Journal of Psychiatry Web site, then you are less than twenty-five thousand hits.? The statistics suggest quite a bit about how the disorder is studied, and it's prevalence.

M. Katherine: sheat, M.D., Western Psychiatric Institute and clinic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, developed a Panic Disorder Severity scale (PDSS) back in 1997, the scale can be administered at approximately five to ten minutes of the clinics.? The PDSS is often used in the medical community as the first step in determining how to stop panic attacks for each individual patient and it measures the following seven factors: panic frequency. emergency during the panic. panic-focused anticipatory anxiety. phobic avoidance of situations. phobic avoidance of physical sensations. impairment at work works. and impairment in social functioning.

One or more of these factors are certain to be recognised by people suffering from panic attacks that things that negatively interfere with their lives.? These persons may or may not have undergone evaluation of PDSS, but that doesn't make them less prone to symptoms of panic attacks and the constant fear that they will suffer another attack.? This article will focus on how to stop panic attacks based on psychiatric and psychological treatment.

Understand what panic attacks is

Before we can discuss how to stop panic attacks, we must first see what they are, what causes them and why health professionals believe they occur.? A panic attack is a terrifying experience that is at the core of panic disorder.? Choking or smothering sensations. fear of losing control, dying, or "going crazy". feeling unsteady. feelings of almost paralyzing fear. nausea or stomach pain. numbness or tingling in the fingers or toes. shortness of breath. and sweating are all symptoms that people who have a panic attack may occur.? Many people who have a panic attack will report to the Department of urgent to think that they have a heart attack, and it is easy to see why when you look at all of these symptoms.

Persons between the ages of 25-30 are usually those who are beginning to have panic attacks.? There are occasions when someone's panic attack are recognized by a life-changing event such as divorce, death of a beloved or even the birth of a child or forthcoming marriage, but is unfortunately wrong for a different State.? Many patients do not correlate their first attack to the actual trigger, making it very difficult to determine the began their attacks and delaying diagnosis and treatment for too long.

When a person believes that he or she can find their triggers, they can begin to avoid certain things, which can lead to the development of phobia-type disorders, including agoraphobia.? It is important to get treatment in order to avoid this cycle can become a slippery slope with the symptoms grow worse with time.? The good news is that when panic disorder has been identified, it is treatable and about 90 percent of them suffering from there go on to live a healthy, attack-free life.

Medical treatment options

The first treatment is psychotherapy and consists of a couple of different types of therapy-cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exposure therapy.? With cognitive behavioral therapy to a patient is asked to keep track of their section to find out what can cause them, and will also be provided with education about the disorder.? Breathing techniques are then learned so that the patient can effectively verify the attack while it happens.? The basis for this type of therapy is that the patient can control their own thoughts, rather than allowing any outside influences to verify them, and by making can control the terrible feelings that he or she has during an attack.? This therapy is considered to be the fastest way to stop panic attacks which the medical community.

On the basis of CBT, forcing exposure therapy the patient to respond to the things that trigger their attacks.? Triggers can be anything from thoughts or memories to trigger an attack traumatic experiences that the patient has gone through, or in some situations.? This therapy begins with the patient and the therapist together try to reveal the patient's triggers.? This can of course be the most difficult part.? The patient, comes after a determination has been made about what is the trigger, then, with the help of a therapist, must face that trigger, a little at a time until he or she can meet it head-on.? The underlying theory is that if you can face your fear, you can resolve your fear.

Medical therapies

Many times the therapy will be supplemented with medication that treats the symptoms and occurrence of attacks.? These are divided into four categories: Tricyclic Antidepressant. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Serotonin inhibitors (SSRIs). Monoamine oxidase negative inhibitors (MAOIS). and benzodiazepines.

Tricyclic antidepressants are antidepressants that claims of about twenty-something side-effects ranging from mild as dry mouth, them as serious as irregular heart beat and muscle breakdown.? Due to their toxicity are Tricyclic Antidepressant is being replaced by SSRIs, described below.

But keep the scientific values increase the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Serotonin inhibitors of serotonin in the body.? Serotonin is a chemical compound (a neurotransmitter) that regulate a person's mood, side effects of these medicinal products are numerous, with the most remarkable sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction and reduced libido, together with renal or hepatic impairment and headaches.

Mainly for smoking cessation and antidepressant Monoamine oxidase negative inhibitors.? These are seriously strong drugs and commonly used do not have a definite specified in such a way that they interact with many foods and other drugs (occasionally causing death).

Benzodiazepines actually function as existing diazepam in high doses and drug law enforcement agency classifies them as reassuring that can cause memory loss, hostility, irritability and disturbing dreams.? It is important to bear in mind the long-term effects, but these drugs have been shown to control panic attacks.

Many people have found the drugs to be very effective in their efforts to stop panic attacks, despite the alarming side effects.? It is important that you do your homework before you begin any form of therapy, and feel free to discuss your concerns about drug therapy with your doctor before he leaves you a recipe.

Anna Mathis is a freelance writer on various health topics, including control and management of panic and anxiety. She currently writes EndingPanicAttacks.comfor. Read more articles about the factors affecting the panic attack relief.

